Sunday, February 15, 2015

2015 Prophecy Divine Turnaround Message

2015 is the year of Divine Turnaround, The boomerang, and apostolic grace. Dutch Sheets says that God's Grace will be poured out like never before for the first 6 months of 2015, but what does that mean ? He is talking about a divine Boldness given to us, and Jesus making things happen for us, but there is much more to it than that. This Apostolic Grace, the Divine Turnaround, and first 6 months, is also for our enemies to repent and turn to God, so they can be blessed, and escape both the penalties on this earth for their actions, and the penalty in the afterlife. Jesus always forgives our sins, and gives us eternal life, but most times there is still a penalty for our actions on this earth. What I believe God is saying to us, is that it's time for our enemies to know, that God is willing to expunge their records, not just in heaven, but also on earth, and that He will bless them.
Why is God doing this ? Because, so many people with a prophetic message are preaching divine Judgment, and it is certainly on it's way, because God is just, but God does not want anyone to suffer Judgment, no matter what they have done. Jesus loves everyone.
The Millennial reign of Jesus is coming, but in order for that to happen, we must consent to Him and His spirit being welcome here, and His Kingdom. That is why He is giving us authority to advance against the enemy like never before, and is allowing us to decree and declare His move in our areas of influence, but this is not our fight. No fight against the enemy is our fight. We are representatives of God, and God fights the battle. The Bible says that the Spirit wields the sword, not us. Are any of you trying to wield the sword ? We speak for God, and do what God asks us, but it is God who wields the sword, who does the miraculous acts, and brings things into manifestation.
I can tell you the enemy's plans for 2015, but we aren't here to focus on the enemy, because He is already defeated, and His plans are going to boomerang back in his face, and the faces of his agents and servants, unless they repent and follow God. The fires of hell will misfire. God has raised up men and women all over the world, who are now being called to stand, and advance against the enemy.
God is giving us Divine Wisdom, Knowledge, Favor, Courage, Boldness, Valor, Humility... and whatever else we need to see His plan manifested. We have been sowing for 10 years now, but it's time for reaping. It's time for harvest.
There are people all over on TV, and on the Internet, and in every day life, who believe, follow, and practice mysticism, spiritualism, the occult, librarians, people who worship the creation instead of the creator, wiccan, witchcraft, and all kinds of new age, new world religions. The enemy doesn't care what they believe as long as they don't follow Jesus. This year in the 2015 Grammy awards, although all of them professed different beliefs, they all bowed down before satan on TV, in exchange for money and false power from the enemy. Satan is the only false god, and if you don't worship Jesus, you have a vacuum that is filled with satan. There is no other way to life but threw faith and a relationship with Jesus.
Dale Waltrip Nascar:

These people have turned away from God, because those in authority in both the Church and Government, have failed them. God allowed people to be in places of authority, so that they would do His will and bring about Justice. God isn't surprised, He knew the best of the best would go astray. He knew they would compromise and bow down to false gods / satan. He knew they would allow a dual leadership in the Church of both satan and God. That is why He is raising up Davids against Goliaths, Moses against Egypt, and Josephs over Egypt, Elijah's against Jezebel... But their comission is not just to cast out evil, but also to bring those who have followed evil to repentance. Jesus loves them all.
God has been calling His people all over to fast and pray. Specifically a Daniel Fast. The time is from February 1st to March 12th 2015 .
So I am sharing with you what others have prophesied, but each of us is called to minister, and each of us gets a daily bread portion of revelation from God, so I am just adding the part that God gave me, which is about Grace for Repentance, healing, and why people have turned to other beliefs.
Knowing the enemy's plans can be a good thing, so God can reveal what the enemy is doing, and how you can avoid it, and if you want to know about the enemy's plans, just look for a link in the description to a playlist full of the enemy's plans, but the most important thing is to focus on Jesus, and moving forward. We need to leave destruction & distraction in the past.
Also, some people are putting this message on DVD only, and making money off of selling this 2015 message, but Jesus told us freely we receive, and freely shall we give, so I encourage you to share this video, and this word with everyone.
Prophetic Word Given On August 24, 2014:
A New Roar Will Be Heard From My Tribe
The alarm clock of Heaven is now ringing on the night stand of a sleeping Church; time to rise, time to rise to the occasion, time to get up! The Lord says, "I have lions hidden in My remnant, not wolves. They will now rise to patrol and remove the defeated ones, wolf packs, that have come to scatter My flocks. My lions will be fierce, bold, aggressive and unintimidated. They will not flinch when adversaries advance. They will stand strong," says the Lord, "and fearless.
"A new roar will be heard from My tribe announcing territorial dominion. A roar claiming geographical and spiritual jurisdiction shall now sound from My remnant; a roar establishing that the throne of the territory is occupied and guarded. A rule against Hell's power shall be sounded. A roar of authority in My Name shall come against Hell's intrusions. My called-out ones, My sent ones, will now become step forward ones. (Photo by Linda Harris-Iorio "ROAR" via
"They will move forward in My power. They will manifest their rights as sons and daughters of God ruling and reigning with Me. As intended, My heirs are stepping from the shadows of cultural bondage. They shall now display disdain of enemy princes, mights, thrones, dominions and rulers of darkness. No longer will they compromise in shared rule; no longer settling for cohabitation, no longer accepting shared occupancy.
"Passive appeasement has now been replaced with backbones of steel, lips set on fire with Holy ingots, and a shout of the King is in their voice indeed. Jericho's shout decree is in their mouth. Determined faith shall now be seen in My faithful ones as they march to remove demon philosophies and doctrines of devils from the land. No shared rule," says the Lord.
"My rule, My rule shall prevail. My words shall prevail. Power to prevail is being poured out. Power to prevail is soaking My remnant. Power to overcome Hell's strategies; power to overcome demon doctrine and rebel government; power to more than conquer demon tactics is being released. Those who stand with Me shall see Hell's fire misfire.
"So arise and rule. Rise and roar with My authority. I will fill your enemy's mouth with sand and their hearts with quicksand. They will find themselves stuck in their own mire. Roar with My freedom. Roar with My liberty. Let rejoicing roar out of Zion. March in to battle with confident peace.
My Shaking Will Open Ancient Wells of Revival
"Great revival fire will now begin to burn through intercession soaked regions as My awakening begins to roll. The regions will now become activated by My glory. My shaking has come. I am shaking earth. I am shaking Heaven. Walls, strongholds, obstacles, and Hell's defenses are being shaken down and My remnant is being shaken free. My shaking will open ancient wells of revival. The revival in the womb of My intercessors will now be birthed.
"The revivalist mantle is descending upon My righteous evangelists. The fire shut up in their bones will now become words of fiery passion. With My Gospel, I will shake open the capped wells of evangelism. I will shake open the ancient healing wells. Miracles will multiply. My angels are pumping those wells and they are opening new wells, new roads, new inroads, new mantles, new vision, new harvest. Behold I will do a new thing and you will see it. Now it will spring forth.
"Because your cries have come before Me, because you have pursued My Presence," says the Lord, "because your worship has become sweet savor – the Lord of angel armies decrees over His remnant people, you shall now begin reality church, no more acting, no more actors, no more pretending. Real church, real disciples, real Christianity, real worship, real power, real glory, real miracles, real healings. It is ordained reality church.
"I am now removing arrows shot into My royal priesthood. Arrows of betrayal, arrows of Jezebel, arrows of Absalom, arrows of deceit and gossip borne by lying spirits, arrows shot by those bound by religious demons. I Your God am removing arrows. You will be free. You will be healed. You will be restored and you will be on fire with My Presence for I have said I will make My ministers a flame of fire. It is ordained, your place of pain shall now be gain, and where you reign you will rise and rule with Me.
"I am now coming to My remnant. And I am now coming as Lord Sabbaoth-Lord of Angel Armies. Because of alignment with My purpose, I will now align My hosts to assist aggressively. There is now a convergence of the angel armies and the Church's prayer army into a divine coalition; the coalition of My willing; those who run to battle, not from it.
"My earth and My Heaven's armies will now challenge thrones of iniquity, thrones of idolatry, thrones of rebellion, thrones of witchcraft, thrones of humanism and antichrist dominions. Battalions are dispatched and await the decrees of My word through the saints to overthrow iniquitous thrones so My saints can sit with Me.
"My greatest campaign on earth is due. Decree it," says the Lord. "Align your words with Mine and angel forces shall align with you. Align with angel forces in your regions, and I will accelerate an alignment within your nation. Yes, revival is now. The harvest is now," says the Lord. "Victory is now," says the Lord. Arise and pursue My cause. Arise and roar. Arise and fight. Arise and shine. Your light has come, and the glory of your God shines upon you."
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
Prophetic Word Given On August 31, 2014:
The Third Great Awakening Shall Now Advance In Tidal Waves Of My Power
The Lord says, "I have determined and will now cause a new season to bring forth. What you have prayed for, fought for and stood for is now being released. I have decreed it and I will not relent," says the Lord. "The greatest push of My Kingdom will now begin. The Third Great Awakening shall now advance in tidal waves of My power. It is the season of My surge," says the Lord.
"You will now see the new breed of remnant warriors that I have reserved for this day and hour. Those who have not and will not bow to Baal, mammon, or religious impotence – they will have the set countenance of Daniel and will not flinch in the face of evil decrees. As Esther, they will rewrite them by My statutes. Governors of the culture will now come forth. Remnant warriors will now emerge who have the heart of David, the wisdom of Solomon, and the tenacity of Paul.
"This new breed standing for Me in this season cannot be bought and they will not compromise. Their ear has been tuned to My voice as Samuel's. I will speak and they will follow in humility. They will dominate for Me, for I have not called My Church to submit to culture, but rather as My Ecclesia, determine culture's path and regulate in My name and by My word. Regulators of the culture are coming to their posts. I will arise in this new season with My remnant, My glory, authority and power, and I will rise with My fiery angels hosts. This shall become evident support. (Photo by Jennifer Page "His Flame" via
"The call to My remnant is to now rise and destroy defilement in your region. Resist and reign. Resist and stand. I will rise to battle for My people," says the Lord. "I will display My strong arm for them. I will not stand down. I will not be indifferent. I will not be a bystander. I will rise and I will thunder against iniquitous roots and abominations that mock Me. I will rise against idolatry. I will rise against antichrist government that disdains and mocks Me. I will not close My eyes. I will look. I will see. I will know, and I will judge in fairness. I will not relent," says the Lord. "I will not be mocked. I will answer passivity with bold aggressive warriors of purpose.
Heaven's Fire, and My Remnant Warriors Will Burn With My Message
"And I will now reveal revival fire engines; places emanating with Holy Spirit fire. Vortexes of tornadic fire will begin to spin through regions. I will now answer Baal's prophets by fire," says the Lord. "The fire of My glory will be fanned by Holy Spirit winds. Hell will not stop it. Hell's obstacles will become its fuel. I will flame. I will burn. I will consume with Holy Spirit fire.
"I am sending fire," says the Lord, fresh fire, "Heaven's fire, and My remnant warriors will burn with My message; they will burn with My passion, they will burn with My presence. They shall be Holy Ghost possessed reformers. I will answer the weak forms of godliness with those will not deny My power. They will release it in My name. Demonstrations of My mightiness will confirm their witness and creative miracles will be seen and reported.
Jennifer Page"It is time for, and I Am, breathing forth a new Pentecost. You will inhale the sweetness of My anointing. You will exude the confidence of My power. you will live in the essence of My being. You will experience Holy Spirit wind, and you will war differently. Breathe deeper and dominate Hell's Kingdom. Dominate Hell's Kingdom as intended. Step forward and push with My Spirit. Push with the angel armies. Push with My great campaign. It is time for My reigning Church to push. Push the gates of Hell and they will not prevail. I will prevail. My remnant will prevail. (Photo by Jennifer Page "Warrior Angel" via
"You shall more than conquer, so shift – shift into the new season that I have ordained. Shift now into relevance and purpose that I have ordained. It is the season of My awakening. It is the season of My harvest. It is the day of the saints. It is the day of My power. Arise with Me and run into a new season. Rise with Me and move forward to destiny. Rise with Me with great purpose. Rise and receive your Pentecost. Rise, rise with Me," says the Lord.
"Rise and run to a new purpose and time. Rise. Rise and run into the day of My power. It is the day of My power," says the Lord. "It is the day of My power. It is the day of My awakening. It is a season of My great harvest."
Tim Sheets
Tim Sheets Ministries | The Oasis, a CityGate Church
Website: |

Sources: Tim Sheets
Dutch Sheets
Darrell Waltrip

Plans of the Enemy:

#2015 #Prophecy #Divine #Turnaround #Message #DutchSheets #TimSheets #elijahlist #reviveuknow #international #world #UnitedNations #highwaytohell

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